Legal document automation

Complex solution by PwC Legal

Document digitalisation will speed up your work, reduce the risk of errors and make your overall records management more efficient. PwC Legal will provide you with comprehensive legal consulting throughout the entire procedure and help you with the set-up of processes and communication of changes within your organisation.

Automation of frequently repeated documents as a tool to eliminate human error and to reduce administrative burden has become an integral part of digital transformation projects. It is widely used especially in the areas of client or supplier paperwork and, increasingly, also in labour law. 

PwC Legal provides its clients with comprehensive legal support in the field of document automation, based on technological know-how and understanding of the practical needs of their organisations. 

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Benefits of document automation

  • Significant savings in terms of time, staff capacity and finances – not only in the creation of the document, but also in its revision or approval. 
  • Efficient compliance with legal obligations supported by automated tracking of retention periods, contract deadlines, and other key milestones in the document lifecycle.
  • Easy response to regulatory changes or your organisation’s needs through modification to centralised document templates.
  • Error rate reduction and assurance of consistency across the document through the use of smart and interactive forms.
  • Standardisation and unification of contractual documentation.
  • Easy response to regulatory changes or your organisation’s needs through modification to centralised document templates. 

Legal document automation in practice

Try how automation works in practice! For instance, create a personalised employment termination notice – it's easy. We have prepared a demo for you in cooperation with Legito s.r.o

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How can PwC Legal help you with document automation?

We will select documents for automation and check whether their templates are up to date, usable in your organisation’s environment and, as a matter of course, whether they protect your interests.

We will prepare automation basis that takes into account the necessary variations in document set-up.

We will safely guide you through the potential risks of digitisation, including data protection regulations and rules for archiving electronic documents.

We will identify electronic signature level requirements, help you develop e-signature rules, and evaluate for you the pros and cons of various e-signature tools.

We will provide you with ongoing management of your automated documentation. We will provide content updates in relation to new legislation, case law and best practice, as well as other ad-hoc services according to your requirements.

We will organise training sessions for your employees where we will present and explain to them the possibilities of new tools and share practical tips from our own experience.

Digital Enablement

We will be happy to prepare an entire technical document automation solution tailored to your needs.

More information


Petr Kincl

Petr Kincl

Managing Partner, PwC Legal

Tel: +420 734 182 727

Olga Kaizar

Olga Kaizar

Associate Partner, PwC Legal

Tel: +420 602 344 681

Petr Syrovátko

Petr Syrovátko

Associate Partner, PwC Legal

Tel: +420 730 130 919

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